Bello is 3 1/2 months old. He has started puppy kindergarten classes and is a very mello fello. His classes begin at 11:00 a.m. each Friday right smack in the middle of his afternoon nap, sometimes he dozes off during the "boring" parts. Nothing really phases him.
He loves to take walks around the neighborhood, but only when the sun is down because he is not too fond of heat. When we depart our house he is very well mannered and heels very nicely next to me. Even though I take a different path every day, he always seems to know when we are on our way home because he leads full speed ahead.
He loves to play with his water and crunch on ice cubes. This weekend he took a dip in the pool but was not too happy about it. In fact, he hates baths! My daughters are amazed that a dog that loves to play with his water bowl, dip his big paws in it, and tip it all over himself, hates to be given a bath.
Bello's only problem is that he loves to nip at all of us. Well, he is a Shiloh Shepherd. We all have marks from his nips and are working to direct him to bite his toys. So far, it is much more fun to bite us!
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